BCSO host Lizzie Borden researchers investigating Lizzie Borden’s bed at Ash Street Jail, New Bedford

“There’s a history mystery unfolding at the Ash Street Jail in New Bedford. For years, what was known as Lizzie Borden’s bed has been kept in storage on the jail’s upper floors. But is it really the bed Lizzie slept on during her trial? That’s what folks from the Fall River Historical Society/Lizzie Borden Museum are looking at.

We hosted them this morning to see the bed up close and personal, and while it doesn’t have a manufacture date or serial number, it does have these interesting face-like markings on the side. They also checked out the old jail cell in what was once the Sheriff’s residence, where it is believed Lizzie stayed during her time.

The room, which is now a staff break room, still has the original, massive steel door on it. The bed is likely from the old jail infirmary; could the old Sheriff have used a bed from there for Lizzie, who was considered a high-society inmate?

How will the mystery unfold? We’ll keep you posted. #history #historyfacts #historylovers #Lizzie #lizzie #lizzieborden.”-Bristol County Sheriff’s Office.

Bristol County Sheriff’s Office photo.

Bristol County Sheriff’s Office photo.

Bristol County Sheriff’s Office photo.