Are parking tickets in New Bedford getting out of control?

Or are residents not aware of New Bedford city ordinances?

“I’m curious to know as my household received it’s 4th parking ticket this year in front of my residence, where I have lived for almost ten years and have had more tickets this year alone than all of the other years combined.

The 4th ticket I received yesterday was for ‘not being 5 feet from a driveway’. I personally feel at this point my area and vehicle are being targeted. I called and spoke with the traffic department concerning this issue. I was told a parking clerk patrols an assigned area every day, including residential areas and is to pass out a ticket for every violation on the street and it is city ordinance not to be within five feet of a driveway. I can guarantee that multiple vehicles on my street were breaking that exact ordinance but only two vehicles, including mine were ticketed. I was also told the parking clerks do not patrol an area more than once but I had to confront a clerk almost two hours after receiving my ticket, who was attempting to ticket my second vehicle for the same ‘violation’ which was parked in the same exact spot when my first vehicle was ticketed. Not to mention the car ticketed was parked in the same place for three days due to the driver having an operation and not being able to drive.

I know others who have complained of recent ticketing being on the rise and have heard rumors the city is doing this to bring in more money. I have no facts to that rumor but am curious if this is the case.” – a fan

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