Acushnet Police Department joining departments across the country in the fight against Breast Cancer

“Coming October 1st!!

The Acushnet Police Department is proud to announce that we will be joining departments across the country in the fight against Breast Cancer! The APD will be joining the Pink Patch Project!

The Pink Patch Project is an innovative public awareness campaign to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer and to support breast cancer research organizations in combating this devastating disease.

Starting October 1st, you will begin to see Patrol Officers wearing these new patches to show support for the fight against this terrible disease.

Patches will be available for sale for $12. Every dime collected will go be donated to the Pink Patch Project to help with clinical research in hopes that someday a we will have a cure for breast cancer and all other forms of cancer!”-Acushnet Police Department.

Acushnet Police Department photo.